Baby Huey's Piano Moving Services in the Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio, TX areas
If you need to move your piano up steps or stairs, over balconies, down to the basement or through a window. Baby Huey’s are specialist piano Movers dealing with: upright and grand pianos, storage, delivery and removals. We ensure that our years of experience in moving pianos, transfers down to every member of our team.
Each of our staff members are required to take part in our training courses before starting their career on the road.
All pianos are protected with our tailor made piano covers and fitted with piano ‘shoes’, prior to removal and will remain so through to delivery and re-assembly at the final destination.
Our client base tends to be schools, retailers, private piano owners and members of the general public. Our experienced staff are able to transport pianos both locally and nationwide.
We understand that customer satisfaction is the key to the success of any firm. That’s why we work hard to ensure that our customers receive a quality of service that continues to build our reputation.
Reach out to our piano movers in Katy, San Antonio, TX or other nearby offices.